Friday 25 September 2020

Short Term Open Access (STOA)/ Day Ahead Market (DAM) Power trading Landing Cost Calculation


Power Trading

  • As per Electricity act 2003
  • An electricity market is a system enabling purchases, through bids to buy; sales, through offers to sell; and short-term trading, generally in the form of financial or obligation swaps. Bids and offers use supply and demand principles to set the price. Long-term trades are contracts similar to power purchase agreements and generally considered private bi-lateral transactions between counter parties.
  •  IEX (Indian Energy Exchange) & PXIL (Power Exchange India Ltd) are the leading Power exchanges in India.
  • Functional Diagram

 DAM STOA Landing Cost 

                        o   Power required in regional bus-bar.

o   Voltage level of consumer.

o   No of hours of operation (24 Hrs divided in 94 slots of 15 Mins each).

o   % PoC Loss : Changes daily depends on grids load, power flow, load dispatch centers scheduling etc.

o   % STU Loss: State transmission Utility loss: Depends State transmissions system and its loss, almost constant. Depends on T&D losses of state.

o   % Discom Loss: loss for transmission utilities in distribution companies.

o   CTU charges/PoC Charges (Central transmission utility charges).

o   STU charges (State transmission utility charges).

o   Discom Wheeling Charges.

o   NLDC application fee (National load dispatch center).

o   NLDC operating & Scheduling charges.

o   SLDC Operating & Scheduling Charges (State load dispatch center).

o   Subsidy’s , if applicable.

o   Non solar/ Solar RPO (Renewable purchase obligation) , if applicable.

o   Energy exchange Transaction charges.

o   Clearing Agent service charges.

o   Application Charges for NOC from state electricity board for STOA.