Friday 25 September 2020

Short Term Open Access (STOA)/ Day Ahead Market (DAM) Power trading Landing Cost Calculation


Power Trading

  • As per Electricity act 2003
  • An electricity market is a system enabling purchases, through bids to buy; sales, through offers to sell; and short-term trading, generally in the form of financial or obligation swaps. Bids and offers use supply and demand principles to set the price. Long-term trades are contracts similar to power purchase agreements and generally considered private bi-lateral transactions between counter parties.
  •  IEX (Indian Energy Exchange) & PXIL (Power Exchange India Ltd) are the leading Power exchanges in India.
  • Functional Diagram

 DAM STOA Landing Cost 

                        o   Power required in regional bus-bar.

o   Voltage level of consumer.

o   No of hours of operation (24 Hrs divided in 94 slots of 15 Mins each).

o   % PoC Loss : Changes daily depends on grids load, power flow, load dispatch centers scheduling etc.

o   % STU Loss: State transmission Utility loss: Depends State transmissions system and its loss, almost constant. Depends on T&D losses of state.

o   % Discom Loss: loss for transmission utilities in distribution companies.

o   CTU charges/PoC Charges (Central transmission utility charges).

o   STU charges (State transmission utility charges).

o   Discom Wheeling Charges.

o   NLDC application fee (National load dispatch center).

o   NLDC operating & Scheduling charges.

o   SLDC Operating & Scheduling Charges (State load dispatch center).

o   Subsidy’s , if applicable.

o   Non solar/ Solar RPO (Renewable purchase obligation) , if applicable.

o   Energy exchange Transaction charges.

o   Clearing Agent service charges.

o   Application Charges for NOC from state electricity board for STOA.


Saturday 1 August 2020

Generator Protection

Generator Protection

              A generator is subjected to electrical stresses imposed on the insulation of the machine, mechanical forces acting on the various parts of the machine, and temperature rise. These are the main factors which make protection necessary for the generator or alternator. Even when properly used, a machine in its perfect running condition does not only maintain its specified rated performance for many years, but it does also repeatedly withstand certain excess of overload.

Preventive measures must be taken against overloads and abnormal conditions of the machine so that it can serve safely. Even ensuring an efficient design, construction, operation, and preventive means of protection – the risk of a fault cannot be completely eliminated from any machine. The devices used in generator protection, ensure that when a fault arises, it is eliminated as quickly as possible.

An electrical generator can be subjected to either an internal fault or external fault or both. The generators are normally connected to an electrical power system, hence any fault occurred in the power system should also be cleared from the generator as soon as possible otherwise it may create permanent damage in the generator.

The number and variety of faults occur in a generator are huge. That is why generator or alternator is protected with several protective schemes. Generator protection is of both discriminative and non-discriminative type. Great care is to be taken in coordinating the systems used and the settings adopted to ensure that a sensitive, selective and discriminative generator protection scheme is achieved.

Classification Generator tripping Scheme Class A, Class B & Class C

The generator Tripping classified according to the fault.

Class A trip:

Class A trip involves a serious electrical fault like differential, stator earth fault etc. and is considered to be the most dangerous in terms of the shock on the unit. Since it involves serious electrical faults, connections from both generator and the EHV bus is immediately switched off to limit the damage at the fault point and also to isolate the healthy system. Hence the unit (turbine, generator and boiler) has to be tripped.

Class B trip:

Class B primarily relates to mechanical problems. This results in tripping of turbine followed by generator.

Class C trip:

Class C involves basically external system related problems like frequency, over voltage etc. This does not involve instant tripping of the unit. CPP unit operates on house load.

On this discussion, I try to explain the protection system through below mentioned configuration of TG.


Generator Details

Active Power                       : 16000 kW

Power Factor                       : 0.8

Apparent Power                 : 20000 kVA

Rated Voltage                      : 11 kV

Full load Current                : 1050 A

Rotor Voltage                      : 53-194 V

Rotor Current                      : 196-514 A

Speed                                     : 3000 RPM

Frequency                            : 50 Hz







  • 1.      Differential Protection

ANSI Code: 87


To detect difference of current flow between line and neutral side of generator

Construction of Relay

·         Instantaneous attracted armature type

·         Percentage biased

Causes of Fault

Any unbalance in circuit (Localized faults)

Set Point

0.1 Amps (Left (R), Centre (Y), Right (B))

TG FLA @ 1050 A

CT Ratio: 1200/1 A

Differential @ 120 A

11.43 % of TG FLA


  • 2.      1st and 2nd Rotor Earth Fault

ANSI Code: 64 R


To detect the earth fault occurred on the rotor field winding circuit

Construction of Relay

3 Methods

1. Potentiometer method

2. AC Injection method

3. DC Injection method

Causes of Fault

A single earth fault in the field winding or its associated circuits, therefore, gives rise to a negligible fault current and does not represent any immediate danger. If however a second ground fault should occur, heavy fault current and severe mechanical unbalance may quickly arise and lead to serious damage. It is essential therefore that any occurrence of insulation failure is discover and that the machine is taken out of service as soon as possible. Normally the machine is tripped instantly on occurrence of second rotor earth fault.

Set Point

1st Stage

64 R1

On Low fault current

Delay 2 Sec

2nd Stage

64 R2

On High Fault Current

Delay 2 Sec


  • 3.      Reverse Power

ANSI Code: 32 R


To protect the alternator/generator from motoring action when the turbine failed to give mechanical power.

 Construction of Relay

1.  Lightweight non-magnetic aluminium disc between two soft laminated iron core electromagnets, and fixed on a spindle running on low friction bearings.

2. The two magnetic fields which are out of phase, produces eddy current in the aluminium disc, and this creates a torque that tries to rotate the disc.

3. Under normal condition when power is flowing as expected, the trip contacts of the relay are open, and the disc is against a stop. If a reverse power starts to flow, the disc rotates in the opposite direction, moves away from the stop and towards the trip contacts that activates the trip circuit.

Causes of Fault

1. Turbine output is lesser than the generator no load losses.

2. CT connection reversal

Set Point

5 %

0.8 MW

Delay: 0.6 Sec

  • 4.      Low Forward Power

ANSI Code: 32 L


Low forward Power protection occurs when the generator is not able to produce the minimum output power. Typically, the generator output is lesser than the no load losses, then the Low forward power protection starts working.

 Construction of Relay

·         Construction similar to reverse power protection relay.

·         Usually alarm activated.

·         Generator breaker trip optional.

Causes of Fault

1. Turbine’s input power is less or the turbine is not able to produce the sufficient mechanical power

2. Generator work as synchronous condenser. The generator only produces the reactive power in condenser mode

3. Insufficient excitation.

4. Generator breaker tripped due to some other fault

Set Point

5 %

0.8 MW

Delay: 1  Sec

  • 5.      Loss of Field/ Excitation

ANSI Code: 40


Loss of field or excitation can be caused in the generator due to excitation failure. Failure of excitation that is failure of field system in the generator makes the generator run at a speed above the synchronous speed. In that situation the generator or alternator becomes an induction generator which draws magnetizing current from the system. Over loading of the stator and overheating of the rotor due to continuous operation of the machine in this mode may create problems in the system in long-run.

Construction of Relay

The scheme comprises an offset mho relay, and an instantaneous under voltage relay

a.      Under Voltage Relay

·         Instantaneous

·         The drop in system voltage is detected by an under voltage relay which is set to approximately 70 % of normal rated system voltage.

b.      Mho Relay (Admittance Relay)


·         While on normal operation R and X will be positive (1st Quadrant operation)

·         On loss of excitation X becomes negative (4th Quadrant operation) as shown in figure

·         When the measure impedance falls into region, the relay function picked up and after certain delay generator CB will trip.

·         Terminal Voltage V ↓, Terminal current I ↑,Impedance Z ↓



Causes of Fault

1.      Field circuit open

2.      Field circuit short

3.      AVR Failure

4.      Field breaker trip

5.      Excitation supply fail

6.      Brush contact issue

7.      Slip ring issues

Set Point

c.       Under Voltage Relay

·         110 V/ 77 V

·         7.7 kV (70 % Rated Voltage)

d.      Mho Relay (Admittance Relay)


·         Z1: 7.5 Ohm

·         Z2: 149.4 Ohm

·         Delay: 2 Sec (40G1) + 4 Sec (40G2)




  • 6.      Negative Phase Sequence

ANSI Code: 50 Q


To protect the generator from unbalance loading and negative sequence component. The negative sequence current flows in the generator winding due to phase to phase short circuit. The negative sequence currents cause the overheating of generator’s winding.

Construction of Relay

·         Under balanced condition, the generator delivers equal currents in all three phase either star connected or delta connected loads. Here the vector sum of negative sequence current is zero, hence net unbalance current is zero.

·         The unbalance may occur due to circuit breaker operation, circuit breaker failures or system faults. Hence the negative sequence current starts flowing in the stator winding; this creates additional flux in the air gap which rotates in opposite direction to that of rotor synchronous speed.

·         If the magnitude of this negative sequence current is high, then this opposite direction potentially affects the normal operating direction of the turbine.


Causes of Fault

Phase to Phase fault

Set Point

(I2/In)2t = K1K3

In = 1 A

I2= Negative Sequence Current

K1= 10


(I2/1)21 = 1*10

I22= 10

I2= 3.16

3.16*1200 = 3792 A (1200/1 A)

I2s Alarm= 80 %

I2s  = 7.5 %





  • 7.      Over Current

ANSI Code: 51


Which operates when the load current exceeds a pickup value.

Construction of Relay

In an over current relay, there would be essentially a current coil. When normal current flows through this coil, the magnetic effect generated by the coil is not sufficient to move the moving element of the relay, as in this condition the restraining force is greater than deflecting force. But when the current through the coil increases, the magnetic effect increases, and after a certain level of current, the deflecting force generated by the magnetic effect of the coil, crosses the restraining force. As a result, the moving element starts moving to change the contact position in the relay.

Depending upon time of operation, there are various types of Over Current relays, such as,

  1. Definite time over current relay.

Used to co-ordinate over other definite time, or instantaneous protection. Generally less sensitive (higher pickup) to prevent operating for load inrush. Generally faster operating time.

  1. Inverse time over current relay.

Slow to trip at low currents. Faster to trip at high fault currents. Used to co-ordinate over load protection, which may have a high starting current. Generally the most sensitive (lowest amps pickup), and slowest to operate.


Causes of Fault


Set Point

a.      Definite time Over Current

Delay = 10 Sec

Setting = 0.9 = 0.9 * 1200 = 1080 A

b.      Inverse time Over Current

Setting=1=1*1200= 1200 A




  • 8.      Stand-by Earth Fault

ANSI Code: 64 S


It is used to protect the system if the neutral current or unbalance current reaches the predetermined value, then the standby earth fault relay operates.

Construction of Relay

It is a backup protection for restricted earth fault relay. This relay operates when REF delayed operation, Heavy earth fault outside of the REF protective Zone and all other earth faults. Simply we can say, it is a standby protection of all other earth faults.

In field side, one current transformer will be installed at a neutral side of the transformer or alternator. The current reference will be taken from that CT. In panel side, an over current element will be directly connected with the CT reference.

Consider the Current in the three phases are I1, I2 , and I3 the natural current is IN. During Normal condition, there is zero current flow in the neutral.

Normal Condition: I1+I2+I3=IN=0

On faulty condition: IN=0

Causes of Fault

L-G, L-L-G, L-L-L-G faults.

Set Point

a.      Definite time Over Current (64 SA)


Delay = 4 Sec

Setting = 0.11 = 0.11 * 1200 = 132 A

b.      Inverse definite minimum time Over Current (64 S)


Setting=0.2 =0.2*1200= 240 A


  • 9.      Under Frequency (1st& 2nd stage)

ANSI Code: 81 U


Under Frequency Protection is used to protect the generator when the frequency drops below the operating frequency. It is a backup protection for over fluxing (V/F) protection.

Construction of Relay

The generator under frequency protection consists of two stage tripping. Stage 1 trip command is given to grid circuit breaker and stage 2 trip commands are given to generator circuit breaker.

Causes of Fault

Under frequency occurs due to turbine low speed, AVR failure, diode failure, grid frequency fluctuation etc.

Set Point

a.      Stage 1

Under Frequency = 48.5 Hz

PU/DO (Differential) = 0.5

Delay= 2 Sec




b.      Stage 2

Under Frequency = 47.5 Hz

PU/DO (Differential) = 0.5

Delay= 2 Sec

  • 10.  Under voltage

ANSI Code: 27


Under voltage fault protection is used to protect the generator winding from low voltage operation. Under voltage protection sense the phase to phase voltage of the generator/transformer using instrument transformer (Potential transformer). When the voltage drops below the rated voltage typically 80% under voltage protection will be activated

Construction of Relay

The output from the generator’s potential transformer will be given to the under voltage coil typically 110 Volts relay coil. In principle of U/V coil, which do not trip the circuit breaker when the voltage across the PT is high. When the voltage drops the pre-set value, the voltage coil operates the circuit breaker.

Instantaneous type under voltage relay

Causes of Fault

Under voltage fault occurs due to failed excitation, diode failure, under frequency o turbine low speed, failed PT fuse etc

Set Point

110/88 V

80% Rated voltage

8.8 kV

Delay= 3 Sec

Make & Type

English Electric VAGM

  • 11.  Over Voltage

ANSI Code: 59


Over voltage protection is used to protect the Generator form high voltage the power system must be isolated when the system voltage high. Seviour overvoltage causes the winding or electrical insulation failure, over fluxing (u/f), the over voltage protection can be considered as a backup to the Volts-per-Hertz protection (Over fluxing).

Construction of Relay

The overvoltage protection consists of two stage operation. Stage 1 trip command will be given to the 110kV grid circuit breaker and stage 2 trip commands will be given to generator’s circuit breaker.

Instantaneous type over voltage relay

Causes of Fault

Overvoltage occurs due to sudden load through off, elevated grid synchronized voltage, AVR malfunctioning, power transformer taps changer failure, lightning strike on the transmission line, turbine over speed etc.

Set Point

a.       Stage 1


115% Rated voltage

12.65 kV

Delay= 0.3 Sec

b.      Stage 2


125% Rated voltage

13.75 kV

Delay= 2 Sec

 12.  Turbine Trip

13. DC Fail Supervision

14. Turbine Oil Pressure Low

15. Generator Frame Temperature High

16. PT Fuse Failure

17. Emergency Trip